Friday, September 26, 2008

Tips in Approaching Women

Hey Guys!Check this out. If you are thinking of getting close to that girl, you've got to know how she thinks. Oh yes it's vital, for the success of the relationship. This is because a woman is an emotional being and she reacts emotionally to anything. Don't be amazed. It's her make-up,from nature. She needs expressions of love, not big things but small attention to be reassured always. For you to make it work with her, you have to know these feelings of hers.

For example, if you work hard, she'll complain that there's never time for her,But if you don't work hard enough, she'll call you a good-for-nothing bum.If she has a boring job with low pay, it's exploitation. But if you do, you should find something better.

If you get a promotion ahead of her, it's favouritism;

If she does it's equal opportunity.

If you mention how nice she looks, it's sexual harassment;

if you keep quiet, it's male indifference.

If you cry, you are a wimp;

If you don't, you are insensitive.

If you make a decision without consulting her, you are a chauvinist;

If she does she is a liberated woman.

If you are proud of your achievements, you are an egoist:

If you are not, you are not ambitious.

If she has a headache, she's tired;

If you do, you don't love her anymore.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Secret To Make Her Go Out With You

Are there magic words you can use to get that dream girl of yours to go out with you? Sounds hard to believe but there are words that will nearly cast a spell and make that girl feel compelled to go out with. Cool right?

I am going to share this with you because I know this is an area that worries guys. But hold on, in the process of approaching any woman, I lay out a complete strategy Click Here. If you use this technique alone without an overall plan or strategy, you may damage your relationship more than if you get turned down.

What Not to Say: Before we get into the actual words, let’s go over what message almost NEVER work. It rather puts you in an awful ‘psychological’ position. They are in two categories-The Plead and The Emergency. Here’s how the message sounds like.

The Plead: “Please Trish, let me take you out. Please. This sis the third time I’m asking you this week. Please go out with me.”

The Emergency: “Trish, can we go out some place today? It’s an emergency”.

Now I think you can see what is wrong with both of those approaches.

What to Say: Use curiosity and self-interest to your advantage. Two of the most powerful forces in the human mind are curiosity and self-interest. So here’s the BIG SECRET. When you combine the two, you have the recipe that will work magic. So let’s look at what you can say that works nearly EVERY TIME. In a friendly relaxed tone “Hello Trish. I want to let you that I appreciate what you did for me. So I’d like to take you to a nice place so I can personally thank you”.

Do you see how that uses both curiosity and self-interest? Trish won’t be able to resist “what did I do? What does he appreciate?’ She will be thinking. And she feels good because it is a positive message. Now before you tell her that you need to do the “set up” which is figuring out what she did that you appreciate. It can any small thing but needs to be plausible. But more importantly please have an underlying strategy like I lay out in the process of approaching any woman before you set up the date Click Here. If you apply this technique with no underlying strategy and she agress to go with you, you can do more damage than good if you do not handle correctly. Okay? All I’m trying to say is what you do before, during and after you get her to agree is more important than getting the date. Make sense? Have a plan Click Here.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The problem with Guys

A friend of mine sent me this page. After perusing I decided that I don’t agree with everything here. Anyway what do you think? Guys is this true? She titled it the problem with guys.

If you treat him nicely, he says you are in love with him;

If you don’t, he says you are proud.

If you dress nicely, he says you are trying to lure him;

If you don’t he say you are from Kampung (old-fashioned).

If you argue with him, he says you are stubborn;

If you keep quiet, he says you have no brains.

If you are smarter than him, he’ll lose face;

If he’s smarter than you, he is great.

If you don’t love him, he tries to possess you;

If you love him, he will try to leave you.

If you don’t make love with him, he says you don’t love;

If you do, he says you are cheap.

If you tell him your problems, he says you are troublesome;

If you don’t, he says you don’t trust him.

If you scold him, you are like a nanny to him;

If he scolds you, it’s because he cares for you.

If you break your promise, you cannot be trusted;

If he breaks his, he is forced to do so.

If you smoke, you are a bad girl;

If he smokes, he is a gentleman.

If you do well in your exams, he says it’s luck;

If he does well, he says its brain.

If you hurt him, you are cruel;

If he hurts you, you are too sensitive.

If you send this to guys, they’ll swear it’s not true;

If you don’t, they say you are selfish.

Friday, September 5, 2008

5 Rules For Dating

Here are some rules to keep in mind while dating.The most effective way to introduce yourself to a potential date is to be respectful and courteous.Keep your introduction tasteful.If the person is not interested, don't beg, linger or be insulting. Rather make a quick and graceful exit and move on.

If you are in virtual dating, you have to protect yourself and you privacy by not giving personal information that could lead a cyber stalker to your door. Use your intuition and check references before agreeing to meet the person face to face.Always use your gut instinct about a person.

When meeting with a date, meet in an open public place. The place should also be cozy enough for the two of you to talk.If you can, take your own car and don't reveal all of your business on the first date. Law enforcements agents suggest that you tell some else where you are going and where you are meeting.

If you ask for the date, you should pay the tab. In the past, it was the assumed that the guy will always pay for the date. But today, things are quite different. Whoever asks for the date should pick the tab.Some experts say a guy should pay for the first date regardless but after that anyone can pay.

If the relationship is getting serious, check and exchange HIV information. Tell the truth and ask about how many sexual partners he or she has. You have to take precautions to avoid the risk of contacting sexually transmitted diseases or AIDS.

Lastly be yourself. Be consistent and honest about your intentions. Keep a positive and happy outlook in life. And if you happen on a dud date, don't despair, just brush yourself and get back into the groove.